Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sinophobia: the Drums of War

Sinophobia (anti-Chinese bigotry) is the great socially acceptable form of bigotry you can openly display in America today - endorsed in the news media without anyone batting an eyelash, appearing even in campaign speeches from both major political parties. It may seem like just some cultural phenomenon not worth being concerned about, harmless fun until "politically correct" liberal killjoys speak up, but bigotry is how war is made possible. We all see each other as human beings, until we agree to separate ourselves into groups. Then soldiers can find excuses to part with their humanity and kill.

Whatever America's shortcomings, it still has the world's largest economy - for now. The greatest driver of all our military action since World War 2, including the cold war, has been perceived threats to our economic might. (Even a mere economic idea - communism, for which I am no apologist - was worth taking up arms against, just because it is a fundamental rejection of capitalism, and that frightens us.) The economies of the rising superpowers of India and China will rival ours in just a few short decades. Do not buy the idea (articulated in the documentary I.O.U.S.A.) that China and the U.S. are too economically interdependent to ever go to war - economists were making the same argument about the modern nations of Europe until 1914, as pointed out by Niall Ferguson in his book The Ascent of Money.

Vigilance about bigotry isn't a trifling matter for uptight hall monitors of "political correctness". It's a duty for those who desire peace, who do not want to see our children and grandchildren kill each other over the end of an empire.

1 comment:

  1. Look here, you arrogant impertinent sot:Insofar as you failed to apologize, and given the fact that the breadth of my knowledge, virtuosity, and financial invwstment in this profession surpasses anything you can imagine by a million light years, you wikl now atone. You are a collosal moron for insulting me, one of the moat widely publisjed and influential critics in this country. And so now I am going to Fuck you over relentlessly in the press, among my no less influential and celebrated colleagues and in the publishing industry. Your days in music are numbered. Deal with it, jackass. You didn't even bother to find out who my family is.We're going to twist the screws until there is nothing left of you orvthe dogshit you call music. Capisce? Have a nice day. You can start by reading one of my more popular blogs, and then in the next issue of of Fanfare. Up yours, mother fucker. You are history.
